Regular Expressions

Visualizing,testing,andunderstandingcomplexregexpatternshasneverbeeneasier.,DebuggexisaregexvisualizeranddebuggerplusJavascriptengineandmore.Thisrealtimetoolmakeseverythingasvisualaspossible, ...,Thistoolrocks.Itdisplaysavisualflowofhowthecurrent...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Visualize and test your regular expressions with

Visualizing, testing, and understanding complex regex patterns has never been easier.

Debuggex Regex Tool - Hornetsecurity®

Debuggex is a regex visualizer and debugger plus Javascript engine and more. This realtime tool makes everything as visual as possible, ...

This tool rocks. It displays a visual flow of how the current regex is matching, shows you which part of your test string is currently matching and a really ...

Debuggex: A visual regex debugger

Important caveat: it makes use of a hidden Java applet -- so that it can supports the somewhat larger Java regex syntax, doesn't send your data ...

How do you debug a regex? [closed]

You buy RegexBuddy and use its built in debug feature. If you work with regexes more than twice a year, you will make this money back in ...

what wrong with this regex or is debuggex reliable?

The website appears to be faulty. An un-anchored Regular Expression pattern of aaaa will match on the string fhaaaaaaachoeore .


Test your regex by visualizing it with a live editor. JavaScript, Python, and PCRE.

Python Regular Expression Cheatsheet

Regular Expression Flags. i, Ignore case. m, ^ and $ match start and end of line. s . matches newline as well. x, Allow spaces and comments.


Just released: You can now add unit tests for your regular expressions on Debuggex. Export directly to your environment will be coming soon.


Visualizing,testing,andunderstandingcomplexregexpatternshasneverbeeneasier.,DebuggexisaregexvisualizeranddebuggerplusJavascriptengineandmore.Thisrealtimetoolmakeseverythingasvisualaspossible, ...,Thistoolrocks.Itdisplaysavisualflowofhowthecurrentregexismatching,showsyouwhichpartofyourteststringiscurrentlymatchingandareally ...,Importantcaveat:itmakesuseofahiddenJavaapplet--sothatitcansupportst...